Copyright, Diana Fineran, May 2006.
Breeders List
The origin of the Classic Cornish Rex is considered to be a
spontaneous genetic mutation, beginning with a cream colored male kitten born on
July 21, 1950 to a tortie and white barn cat, named “Serena” on a farm in
Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, England. Nina Ennismore, their owner, discovered this
unusual kitten among the litter of five kittens. She named him Kallibunker.
Instead of his siblings, who were domestic short hairs with cobby bodies and
round heads, Kallibunker was long in body and legs, with large ears a slender
tail and a wide, heavy wedge shaped head. Of extra interest was his very
special short, coat covered with tight rows of waves or tiny curls, like a wash
Mrs Ennismore decided to keep Kallibunker as a pet, so she
took him to her Veterinarian to be neutered. It was her Vet who recognized this
kitten was truly distinguished, and recommended Mrs. Ennismore to consult a
British geneticist, A.C. Jude. To perpetuate the special appearance, A.C. Jude
recommended that Kallibunker be bred back to his mother, which was done. A
litter of three kittens were produced with two having curly hair. A second
breeding produced more curly coated kittens. Kalliabunker was bred to Siamese,
Burmese and British Domestic Short Hairs, proving the mutation was recessive.
Breedings between Kalliabunker’s kittens confirmed that two curly coated cats
would produce only curly offspring.
With experience breeding and showing Rex rabbits and with
familiarity of a similar mutation in mice, Mrs Ennismore named the new breed
Cornish Rex, due to its similarity to the curly coated Astrex rabbit.
The first presentation of the Classic Cornish Rex to the
world came through a short article with photos of Kallibunker and one of his
kittens, which was published in Life Magazine in 1956.
The following year two Classic Cornish Rex were imported to
American from Mrs. Ennismore by Frances Blancheri of California. They were a
red tabby son of Kalliabunker named Pendennis Castel, who died shortly after
arrival, reports say. The second was a Blue, Kalliabunker granddaughter named,
Lamorna Cove, who had been bred to her sire, Poldhu, before leaving England.
Lamorna Cove’s first U.S. litter of four kittens contained two kittens who
became foundation cats in virtually every Classic Cornish Rex bloodline in the
U.S. Marmaduke, a blue and white male, was sold to Helen and Walter Weiss in
who’s hands he became the founding father of the Daz-Zling line.
Diamond Lil of Fan-T-Cee, a blue and white female, went to
Peggy Galvin, who bred her to a Blue Point Extreme Wedge Siamese. This
introduced the pointed gene in the color pool.
The advancement of the breed in England has two stories,
each very different from the other. Still they present portions of the truth. I
present them here.
The first rendition went this way. In England Nina
Ennismore was finding Rex breeding as a financial deficit, as she was having
fiscal problems. Sadly she destroyed a number of her Rex cats in 1956,
including Kallibunker and his mother Serena. Ms. Ennismore’s reasoning was that
Kallibunker was fighting with another male! Only two breeding male Classic
Cornish Rex cats remained in all of England! They were Poldhu, a blue cream and
Sham Pain Charlie.
It was reported, because of Poldhu’s unusual color for a
male, a Veterinarian was conducting research in the form of a tissue sample. In
so doing the Vet mastered the epitome of bungling twice, first by “accidentally
castrating” poor Poldhu, secondly by loosing the tissue sample! Only Sham Pain
Charlie remained as the sole breeding male in England to carry on the breed.
The second rendition was: A fancier of cats and rabbits
named Brian Sterling-Webb, was an experimental breeder. He owned a curly haired
male named Kallibunker, who had been born in a litter of barn cats in Cornwall.
Kallibunker sired only two litters before he died. Sterling-Webb used two of
Kallibunker’s sons and his mother in an effort to establish a curly haired
breed. Sterling-Webb called that breed the Cornish Rex, borrowing the “Rex”
part from the name given to purebred rabbits with the same kind of coat.
Since the breed was moving forward in the U.S., Helen Weiss
of Daz-Zling Cattery asked Mrs. Ennismore for more breeding stock, only to be
shocked to find out there were none left! This set back created out crossing in
the U.S. to several breeds such as Burmese, Havana Brown, American Shorthairs
and Siamese to build the breed. Type was compromised for a while. The main
result was a wide diversity of colors. Out crossing has been disallowed because
there is enough diversity to keep the breed healthy.
There is an indirect connection to another Rex breed that
came 10 years later. A curly coated, stray, male cat was found in a near by
field by Beryl Cox of Devonshire, England in 1960. She named him Kirlee. He
was thought to be another Rex outcross to rejuvenate the breed, but when he was
bred to curly coated descendants of Kallibunker, all the kittens had straight
hair. Kirlee became known as a different Rex, named Gene II. Kallibunker was
labeled Gene I. Many of the normal coated kittens were used in Gene I breeding
programs. Gene I and Gene II breedings were discontinued, while Kirlee went on
to become the foundation of the Traditional Devon Rex breed.
The U.S. story expanded when at a California animal shelter
an odd eyed, curly coated calico female was found by Bob and Dell Smith of
Rodell Cattery. They named her Mystery Lady of Rodell. Subsequently she was
bred to a Rex hybrid son of Diamond Lil of Fan-T-Cee, named Fan-T-Cee Blue Boy.
The resulting kittens were straight coated. Ultimately, through successive
breedings, these cats proved they were Gene I. She is the Rodell Foundation
bloodline behind many of the Classic Cornish Rex in the U.S. today.
For a while both Gene I (Classic Cornish Rex) and Gene II
(Traditional Devon Rex) were grouped together. In 1984 they were divided into
separate breeds.
The wavy coat is a recessive gene inherited from both
parents. Therefore a straight coated kitten from Classic Cornish Rex parents
still possesses the recessive Rex gene. When bred to another cat possessing the
gene, they can produce wavy coated kittens.
Leading cats of note for the breed were Marmaduke of
Daz-Aling, GC Fan-T-Cee Fangio of Rodell a blue male, GC DazZling Great White
Father, a white male with gold eyes, GC KatzenReich’s Bianka, a white female
with copper eyes, GC Keltys Kum Kashu of Ridgways, a male, GC Heatwave’s
Vendetta and Milagro’s Lady O’ The Night.
As the breed grew an anomaly occurred. One of the breeds
distinct features is its wavy coat with out guard hairs, giving the coat an
incredibly silky and soft feel. The British accentuated the feel of the coat
over the wave, actually breeding for cats with little wave. In the U.S. the
accent was placed on the wave of the coat, preserving the breeds wonderful
Those people who are cat-allergic may consider owning a
Classic Cornish Rex. Because their coats are so short, Rexes don’t deposit as
much allergen laced fur around the house. Their short fur also doesn’t hold as
much protein secreted by all cats via their saliva and sebaceous glands called
Fel d1 on their fur as they lick themselves. They are easy to bath too. Still
the Classic Cornish Rex is not considered hypoallergenic. They groom and shed
just like any other cat. Some allergic people experience less severe reactions,
while others find they are bothered more. It is suggested that prospective,
cat-allergic, new owners should spend some time with a Classic Cornish Rex
before making the purchase.
Copyright, Diana Fineran, May 2006.
The Classic Cornish Rex has a high level of energy and
activity with a fun loving attitude. Flayful and inquisitive, everything is a
game to them. They need plenty of play room for running and sprinting, and cat
trees for their desire to go vertical. New owners must be prepared for their
intense activity, which is so endearing. Their typical sociable mood makes them
hard to ignore.
Their extreme intelligence causes them to follow their
people where ever and include themselves in all that is going on. They quickly
learn that fun is where their people are. Their extremely affectionate ways
cause them to like to snuggle and be loved as much as possible. Some enjoy
fetching over and over again.
Toys are found any where through out your home. Even
personal objects become the toy of choice for a while and owners will find their
possessions in far away locals in their homes. They usually don’t tire of a
particular toy. They just become enamored with a new one quickly. Child
proofing ones home from top to bottom is recommended.
The saying goes, the Classic Cornish Rex may grow old, but
they never grow up. They never lose their fun loving zest for life
A legendary appetite maintains their high activity level,
so they require a good amount of food to sustain them. They can be permitted to
feed free choice with out having a weight problem. Others will finish every
last kernel in the whole bowl. Almost all of them enjoy vegetable favorites such
as peas, corn, bean, or broccoli and fruits, usually apples and bananas.
The Classic Cornish Rex is a low maintenance cat with
nearly no shedding. When no people are around they won’t pine away, yet they
are not bashful about demanding attention when people are near. They adjust to
traveling with the family or easily stay at home.
Touch of Class Cattery reports, “They have the most
wonderful calm personalities, very loving and healthy. They love to play. My
male is outstanding. He is the best boy. Plus we have the most beautiful
kittens from him. He will help care for them and not harm then at all. It is so
relaxing to lay down and have 4 Classic Cornish Rex sleeping beside you.”
Copyright, Diana Fineran, May 2006
Starting with a sound and wide genetic base, the breed is
very sturdy and healthy. There are no breed related heath problems. The queens
usually require no assistance with kittening. Some will wait for their people
to attend to the birthing. Though small at birth, the kittens quickly grow. As
soon as they are dry the waves become evident.
An added plus is their long life spans, usually to 15 years
and even past 20 years. One named Blu Sprs Susannah lived to be 23 years old.